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Plants tolerant to glyphosate have been obtained by using genes coding for mutant target enzyme 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase (EPSPS). Genes and mutants for EPSPS are well known, and include mutant 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase (EPSPs), dgt-28, and aroA genes. Best HomeKit devices: Which smart home products work well with Siri? The visit to Nygard's home did not, of course, feature in the Court Circular. Then again, these are uncertain times, and amid worries about health, home schooling and market plunges, you may yearn for the comfort and pleasure physical intimacy can bring. One with skill in the art will recognize that an exogenous sequence can be transiently incorporated into a plant cell. Typically, the marker is incorporated into the genome of a plant cell as an exogenous sequence. In an embodiment, selectable marker genes include herbicide tolerance genes. The expression of the marker gene results in expression of a visual marker protein or in tolerance to a selection agent (e.g., herbicide, antibiotics, etc.).

For instance, selection can be performed by growing the engineered plant material on media containing an inhibitory amount of the antibiotic or herbicide (i.e., also described as a selective agent) to which the transforming gene construct confers tolerance. A wide variety of plants and plant cell systems may be engineered for the desired physiological and agronomic characteristics described herein using the nucleic acid constructs of the present disclosure and the various transformation methods mentioned above. The present disclosure encompasses the use of any transient expression system to evaluate a site specific endonuclease (e.g., ZFN) and to introduce transgenes and/or mutations within a target gene (e.g., AHAS) to result in a genomic modification. Such regeneration techniques rely on manipulation of certain phytohormones in a tissue culture growth medium, typically relying on a biocide and/or herbicide marker which has been introduced together with the desired nucleotide sequences. NGR234, Sinorhizoboium meliloti, Mesorhizobium loti, potato virus X, cauliflower mosaic virus and cassava vein mosaic virus and/or tobacco mosaic virus, See, e.g., Chung et al.

Accordingly, genes encoding, e.g., herbicide tolerance, insect resistance, nutrients, antibiotics or therapeutic molecules can be inserted, by targeted recombination, into regions of a plant genome favorable to their expression. In preferred embodiments, target plants and plant cells for engineering include, but are not limited to, those monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants, such as crops including grain crops (e.g., wheat, maize, rice, millet, barley), fruit crops (e.g., tomato, apple, pear, strawberry, orange), forage crops (e.g., alfalfa), root vegetable crops (e.g., carrot, potato, sugar beets, yam), leafy vegetable crops (e.g., lettuce, spinach); flowering plants (e.g., petunia, rose, chrysanthemum), conifers and pine trees (e.g., pine fir, spruce); plants used in phytoremediation (e.g., heavy metal accumulating plants); oil crops (e.g., sunflower, rape seed) and plants used for experimental purposes (e.g., Arabidopsis). The virulence functions of the Agrobacterium tumefaciens host will direct the insertion of a T-strand containing the construct and adjacent marker into the plant cell DNA when the cell is infected by the bacteria using binary T-DNA vector (Bevan (1984) Nuc. Alternative gene transfer and transformation methods include, but are not limited to, protoplast transformation through calcium-, polyethylene glycol (PEG)- or electroporation-mediated uptake of naked DNA (see Paszkowski et al. Thus, the disclosed methods and compositions have use over a broad range of plants, including, but not limited to, species from the genera Asparagus, Avena, Brassica, Citrus, Citrullus, Capsicum, Cucurbita, Daucus, Erigeron, Glycine, Gossypium, Hordeum, Lactuca, Lolium, Lycopersicon, Malus, Manihot, Nicotiana, Orychophragmus, Oryza, Persea, Phaseolus, Pisum, Pyrus, Prunus, Raphanus, Secale, Solanum, Sorghum, Triticum, Vitis, Vigna, and Zea.