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You know a lot better with your $90,000 a year job, $75,000 in MBA student loan debt, $400,000 McMortgage on your McMansion, and a $500 a month lease on that Mercedes you need to "keep up appearances." Right, you keep thinking that. First, you morons line up to endebt yourselves for four year degrees of dubious value. So you need to cue up, line up, and commute along with all the other cattle in rush hour (if you're "lucky" enough to land a job). All you privileged white women from the suburbs who had more of daddy's money shoved up your asses to major in worthless crap in school actually think you're oppressed because of "sexism." Idiot college kids who major in worthless crap blame "evil republicans" for the student loans they signed on the dotted line for. They've convinced, and thus enslaved, the majority of women in this country that things are more important than humans. Forget whether they are stupid or not. The majority of American stupid people are already rightly enslaved as the sheep they are, and their slave masters are oddly the institutions, people, and entities you all worship and praise.

What I mean by 'worship a woman's feet' is to respectfully kneel down before her and then kiss her feet. And once again, it's people the slaves worship and view as their friends. Third, you guys actually sit in cages euphemistically called "cubes." At least actual slaves got outside a bit and some exercise. You guys sit on your asses for DECADES as time flies by looking at computers screens all because someday you might get promoted to "Assistant Reserve Director" with a window office. This crisis might feel overwhelming to you, but know you will come through the other side of this reborn and revitalised if you focus on the things that matter the most to you. Balance things among enticing, intriguing, teasing. Natural women as I said do things from the heart. list of free porn sites course, not just "Oprah" but she epitomizes what I call the "Women's Ass Kissing Industry." The industry that blows smoke up women's asses to get them to buy things.

The adult industry as a whole has been around for centuries, and while camming seems more advanced, some people need to keep their porn in a shoebox or tucked away in the closet somewhere, not in their browser history or bank statement. And how happy of lives did they live being slaves to Oprah and the Women's Ass Kissing Industry? I view this as actual slavery not because you're actual slaves (you are paid after all), but when you step back and look at what careerists, MBA's, professionals, and the rest of you "powerful, successful" sheep allow your employers to do to you, it is indeed slavery. But what's worse (but REALLY funny to us smart people) is chances are you are not only a sheep yourself, enslaved to people smarter than you, but you cheer on and endorse your own slavery. It's important that you feel good about yourself, better than sex cake recipe and if you do, others will be attracted to you.

The vast majority of people are accomplishmentless, petty, incompetents who replace anything of worth or value in their lives with religions, ideologies, political crusades, pop cultures, trinkets, bobbles, materialism, and other vicariousities all so they can avoid real work, but still feel good or "popular" about themselves. Most of these are adult Chatroulette and dirty Chatroulette sites. Most adult dating sites are presented at reviews. Educations are more important than children. How many more generations of women are heading that same direction? Principles followed by jaina nude saints are the following. The lives these people live are HORRIBLE. To be blunt, the lives of stupid people are a pure waste of time and life. All of these sex vids are in beautiful high definition which means that you won't have troubles discerning what goes on like on other websites. This means you can’t forget to take your pill, change your ring, or get your shot on time - or you’ll be at risk for pregnancy. The rush of encountering a new user each time you log in is incredibly hedonistic and thrilling for some users, the unpredictability keeping them coming back for more. Careers are more important than husbands. Be it race, gender, mental illness, or whatever, do you think they along with the MILLIONS of other "professional activists" are ever going to amount to anything beyond people who lobbied for a slightly larger government check?