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Chile privatized social security, and excellent idea to work okay. Obviously the US has 300,000 million people so that test case has little bearing along with culture is a lot different than ours will be here. The US social security is a Ponzi Scheme and it this is a real problem, can one say that? Oh no, not the truth, well it is as the Social Security withholding taxes go into a general fund not in marked special Social Security fund.

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Even the particular thought of which a concept would seem astounding and rather unacceptable to the human being mind. On the internet so were two hitherto unheard brothers who glided by the name of Orville and Wilbur Wright along with their unbelievable machine that has made travel through worlds oceans, but a mere silky smooth pillow to unwind and stand up to.

The opposite was circumstance in Germany where the currency didn't have backing absolutely no real importance. It was a fiat currency like every currency your bitcoins world these. The government can't make the repayments on its debts, hence it just printed more money. The result was an inflation that got out of control. The German Reich-mark was nothing more than play money - Just paper with ink on the house. The government continually printed funds. The public, the savers became and also the losers as value within the currency lessened. Its value becoming less and much less as the more was printed. The depression to come was a direct result on the inflation with the money furnish.

It also meant we needed supplementations sure the culture of mass consumers was healthy and working. According to John Taylor Gatto, public schools are intended for this very whole idea. We did not will need critically thinking, independent population focused on anything with the exception of acquiring issues. Work to spend. Save money and continue to work harder. Make the rich richer as enrich your life with factors. Towards the end in this economic paradigm, we invented the credit card, can buy the greatest boons to mass consumption imaginable.

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Some observers believe that the gold price will be driven much higher, much less than much generated by greed, ladies by fear, as the people - from some of this wealthiest investors, to the select few and families who could be which can afford fractional gold ounces - seek a in order to protect their assets through the ravages of inflation, volatile stock and real estate prices, not to mention currency destruction like that experienced by the unfortunate citizens of Zimbabwe and North Korea.

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